Art display systems make sense in all spaces

All art that can be hung on a wall, can be accommodated by an art display system. These systems, also called art hanging systems, are specifically designed for flexible and secure hanging of art. Various types are available for various purposes, weights and looks.

Where to use an art display system?

Professional art display systems are suitable for use in galleries, libraries, offices, educational facilities and homes. Or in fact, any other place you wish to exhibit your art “gallery-style”. The systems can even be used on panels for art shows and festivals.

compare picture hanging systems

STAS art display systems can be used by…
• Museums and galleries
• Private galleries
• Independent artists
• Art shows and festivals
• Homes
• Schools
• Offices
• Libraries
• And any other place where you wish to rearrange art regularly.

Art display systems: ideal for galleries

Advantages of art display systems

An art display system will lend you greater ease in laying out, rearranging and tweaking your art displays, exhibitions and collections.

Rearrange without the need for tools, without causing wall damage, and with the comforting feeling that your artworks hang safely.

STAS has different types of art display systems on offer. Find the type that suits your needs and style.

How to display art

The biggest decorating mistake people make is hanging art too high. Many galleries and museums use a 57 inch standard height for displaying art. This is 57 inches measured from the floor to the center of the artwork or grouping of artwork.

Remarkably, the same standard can be applied in homes. 57 inches may seem a little low, but the good news is: with a STAS hanging system you can just try it out. Don’t like the result? Easily adjust your artwork in height by sliding the hook over the cord of your art hanging system. And repeat the process as often as you like.

Ready to take the leap? You can buy an art display system easily online.