Hanging a quilt with STAS quilt hangers

  • Jan 16, 2019

STAS quilt hanger

Okay, I think that by now you know how you can easily hang your picture frames on a STAS picture hanging system. But did you know that...

that beautiful rug on your floor...

that DIY quilt...

or any other form of textile...

looks gorgeous on your wall as well?!

Whether you make them yourself, or just buy them in the store ... textile on your wall looks gorgeous in your interior! The fluffy fabric adds instant coziness to your home and makes your walls pop!

A STAS quilt hanger set consists of:

- a STAS cobra + perlon cord

- a STAS utility hook

- and a STAS quilt hanger (with clips)

The STAS quilt hangers consist of handy clips where you can clamp your pieces of textile. We offer the STAS quilt hanger in 2 different sizes. The choice depends on the size of the piece of textile you want to put on. The small hanger is 1.06 inch, and the large hanger is 1.42 inch. Both clips have plastic bits so that the piece of textile stays in place. Hang the clips on the STAS utility hook and on a STAS cord, and hang this in a STAS picture rail of your choice*. Clip the top of the textile in the clips, and cut off the remaining part of the cord (or hide it behind what you want to hang), and you're done!

*With an exception of the STAS wooden rails, STAS j-rail, STAS j-rail max, STAS plasterrail and STAS evoluon.

Take a look among the most beautiful pieces of textile that we have collected for you!

Hanging a rug


Hanging a macramé


Hanging a quilt


Hanging other kinds of textile

You could also think of other creative and unique pieces of textile as shown below .. Maybe you'll even get inspired and make them yourself!


Cute birth gift!


What kind of textile would you like to hang with the STAS quilt hangers? Let us know in the comments!


Posted in Inspiration, Highlighted STAS products and Tips / How to's